Sarasota-Charlotte Democratic Progressive Caucus
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Sarasota-Charlotte Democratic Progressive Caucus
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Join Today!
The Sarasota-Charlotte Democratic Progressive Caucus is a Chapter of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida and is chartered by the Florida Democratic Party.
Membership in the Sarasota-Charlotte Democratic Progressive Caucus is available to all registered Democrats in the State of Florida. Membership provides voting privileges in the local chapter. Dues are payable on January 1st for the Calendar Year. New members joining starting November 1st are considered paid through the end of the following year.
Membership dues for the Sarasota-Charlotte Chapter are $25/year. There is also a $15/year student membership. Individuals interested in greater support for the activities of the Caucus can become Sustaining Members at $125/year.
We encourage you to join the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida too.
Annual membership in the State Caucus is $25/year. You can pay your State membership dues here.
If you have any questions about the membership or dues please contact us at srqprogressivecaucustreasurer@gmail.com.
© Sarasota-Charlotte Democratic Progressive Caucus 2022